For employees’ healthy balance between life and work, we are promoting work-style reforms and creating a workplace environment where employees can continue to work energetically. We aim to create a virtuous cycle in which a fulfilling life leads to better work, and better work leads to a better life.
Encouraging diverse working styles (Telework, flextime)
We have introduced a variety of working styles with the aim of improving work efficiency while achieving a healthy balance between life and work.
We have introduced a work-at-home telework system with the aim of implementing BCP measures and helping reduce CO2 emissions by means of cutting losses attributable to traveling, as well as with the aim of facilitating a work-life balance.
Employees can decide their starting and ending times for each day within the requirement concerning the total working hours set for a certain period of time. They are allowed to use flextime in conjunction with telework.
Child-raising support programs
The Company received the “Kurumin” certification (FY2021)
We are working to create a work environment in which it is easy to balance childcare and work. The workplace should enable employees to continue to work energetically with peace of mind while raising children.
Encouraging employees to take annual paid leave
The work environment has become easier for employees to take paid leave through some arrangements, such as by setting a target number of annual paid leave days to take and abolishing the expiration date of accumulated paid leave (two years). For employees to refresh themselves and maintain and improve their motivation, we are constantly working on systemic reforms.
Establishment of a childcare leave system for use at the time of childbirth and taking split childcare leave
We are creating and revising leave systems in line with revisions to the Child Care and Family Care Leave Law.

Digital transformation (reducing working hours while improving productivity)
Use of RPA*
To improve the productivity of clerical workers, to reduce simple mistakes, and to ensure fast and accurate work, we review routine work and use robotic process automation (RPA).
*RPA:Robotic Process Automation
FY2020–FY2022: Improving operational efficiency by utilizing RPA

Use of mobile PCs
We are making increased cloud computing-based use of mobile PCs to improve work styles and work efficiency.