Purpose of Risk Management
The purpose of risk management is to avoid, eliminate, reduce, and transfer risks in our business continuity in advance, as well as to ensure the lives and safety of our employees and minimize damage to the Company in the event that risks materialize.
Classification of Our Business Risks

How Heavy Rain Disaster Training Is Delivered
In preparation for heavy rain disasters, training is conducted at each of our business sites to practice the process from initial response to recovery of production.
- Economic risks (economic crises, business activities, stock market decline, global political situation, interest rate fluctuations, exchange rate fluctuations, changes in product market conditions, changes in raw-material market conditions, etc.)
- Natural disaster risks (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, lightning strikes, wind and flood disasters, abnormal droughts, etc.)
- Terrorism risks (war, civil war, political changes, revolutions, political/national risks, terrorism, riots, cyber terrorism, etc.)
- Disease risks (pandemics, etc.)
Promotion Framework

(Click to Enlarge)
Activity Description
The Risk Management Committee sets action policies and identifies key activity themes for each term and holds regular joint committee meetings four times a year with the Headquarters and affiliated Group companies to synchronize and improve group-wide activities.
Response to Cyber-Terrorism Risks
We are developing infrastructure to respond to cyber attacks and prevent virus infection. For employees, in order to improve their awareness of cyber terrorism, we alert them of targeted attack emails and conduct training against targeted email attacks by distributing dummy targeted attack emails. Furthermore, we diagnose our servers for vulnerabilities and take relevant measures continually, determining the risk value.
Responses to Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions and Other Natural Disaster Risks
Responses to Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions and Other Natural Disaster Risks
To respond to earthquakes in the class of Nankai Trough megathrust ones, we prepare ourselves against disasters, have made response procedures clear to follow after an occurrence (production recovery framework, strengthening supply chains, etc.), and conduct heavy rain disaster drills and initial response drills for large earthquakes.
Responses to the Risk of COVID-19 Infection
We have set up a COVID-19 Response Council to discuss prevention activities and measures for preventing the spread of infection within the entire Group, including our overseas business sites and to disseminate the activities and measures.