Performance Highlights

  • Net Sales

    (Millions of yen)

    Net sales

    Net Sales(Consolidated, Millions of yen)

  • Operating Income

    (Millions of yen)

    Operating income

    Operating Income(Consolidated, Millions of yen)

  • Ordinary Income

    (Millions of yen)

    Ordinary income

    Ordinary Income(Consolidated, Millions of yen)

  • Net Income

    (Millions of yen)

    Profit attributable to owners of parent

    Net Income(Consolidated, Millions of yen)

  • Net Income per Share


    Basic earnings per share

    Net Income per Share(Consolidated, yen)

Cautionary Note

  • When revisions to financial results are announced, the information in this data will not be immediately reflected.
  • Some indicators may be updated only for the full year due to changes in the format of financial statements.