SDGs Declaration
DaikyoNishikawa has enacted its SDGs declaration selecting 12 out of the 17 SDGs, with the intent that each and every employee can play a leading role while fulfilling the company’s responsibilities as a manufacturer toward building a sustainable society.

Promotion Framework
In promoting our activities toward the SDGs, we have grouped goals that are closely related to each other based on the idea that we should consider not simply individual goals but also their interactions with other goals and should pursue total optimization, as called for by the SDGs. According to the grouping, we have set up three teams (Blue, Red, and Yellow). Each team is led by an Executive Officer, and Division Managers are responsible for pursuing the 12 goals. In this way, we will make steady progress from the perspectives of both management and execution.
Led by:Production, Engineering, Development, and Research & Development divisions
Team composition:
It is necessary to achieve total optimization not only of development and production but also of a series of processes including reduction, recycling, and reuse. The Production, Engineering, Development, and Research & Development divisions lead the entire company in achieving goals that are closely related to Monozukuri.

Examples of Efforts
Keywords:human resources, local communities
Led by:Marketing & Sales, Corporate Management, and Quality divisions
Team composition:
Although the Corporate Management Division is primarily in charge, the Marketing & Sales and Quality divisions join and lead the company in order to maximize the advantage of forming a team and to incorporate new perspectives and innovative ideas.

Examples of Efforts
Keywords:corporate ethics, partnership
Led by:Purchasing and Corporate Planning divisions
Team composition:
The Purchasing and Corporate Planning divisions lead the entire company because it is necessary for the company to cooperate with its business partners and affiliated companies (partnership) and contribute to building a sustainable society, while complying with corporate ethics guidelines.

Examples of Efforts