We promote green procurement to build a recycling-oriented society. Pursuant to the applicable laws, regulations, and customer requirements regarding chemical substances contained in products, we identify substances to be controlled, request that our suppliers register them to the control sheet system so that no prohibited substances will be mixed in, and confirm that such substances are not contained. In this way, we completely avoid using them.
In addition, we request accountable procurement of raw materials regarding conflict minerals and conduct surveys once a year with the cooperation of our suppliers.
Green procurement
To leave a rich global environment to the next generation, we will strive to procure safe materials.
To that end, we give priority to the purchase of environmentally friendly items from a comprehensive perspective.
We promote green procurement to help build a recycling-oriented society.
Activity Examples
We Do Not Procure Products Containing Prohibited Substances

Along with globalization, regulations on chemical substances are expanding, and the number of chemical substances to be controlled is also increasing. In order to comply with the standards required by our customers and deliver safe products, we cooperate with our suppliers regarding the materials to be procured, and appropriately control chemical substances using the International Material Data System (IMDS) and the like.
Promoting Procurement from Eco-Friendly Companies

When procuring parts, materials, and services, we give priority to those which comply with environmental laws and regulations and consider the reduction of environmental impact, procuring from suppliers who have established an environmental management system based on their established green procurement guidelines.
Co-Creation Activities with Suppliers

We are deepening cooperation throughout the supply chain and promoting activities aimed at optimal procurement to enhance co-creation activities and strengthen partnerships. We promote front-loading to enable production preparation with our suppliers with improved efficiency. We agree on mutually optimal requirements with our suppliers, build and verify safety, security, and quality, and make arrangements for dies, equipment, raw materials, parts, and so on to eliminate reworking.