The DaikyoNishikawa Production System (DNPS) activity aims to pursue the value of work. It is an effort to continuously improve the abilities of the production staff based on human resource development. In doing so, the DNPS activity uses two pillars: value formation and just on time. Value formation refers to maximizing the value of people, equipment, and goods leveraging standardized Monozukuri. Through the just-on-time approach, we deliver when and what is needed and in the amount needed, by synchronizing goods and information from the initial process to the final process—supply and production—according to the customer's request.
Monozukuri is Human Resource Development

Desired State (Ideal Model)

What is the state of the worksite where we can continue to provide and produce valuable products that meet the needs of our customers? All members participate in visualizing this quest from the perspectives of 4M5 and SQCDM6 to depict the desired state (ideal model) while incorporating the ideal form of worksite hoped for by everyone. The desired state is presented as information that everyone in the worksite can share and empathize with, by expressing the ideal state in a picture as material that can be understood at a glance.
By devising and constructing our own work methods, we work with a sense of purpose.
5. 4M: man, machine, material, method
6. SQCDM: safety, quality, cost, delivery, morale
Abilities of Production Staff

The abilities of production staff comprise process control and improvement capability. Process control aims to enhance the abilities of the production staff and increase the value of Monozukuri. To that end, we implement standardization—which is the backbone of Monozukuri—without fail, and thoroughly eliminate losses with our improvement capabilities.
Small Group Activities

The DNPS respects the views and ideas of each individual and adopts small group activities as a mechanism that facilitates full and proactive participation. In a small group, the trainer conveys his or her thoughts to all the members, and the members work toward the goal on the basis of empathy with sharing information and enthusiasm. By working in small groups, everyone can play a leading role, and by listening to the views of individuals, will be likely to make new discoveries and achievements.

The trainer is the facilitator of the DNPS activity. He or she oversees a large number of small groups, each of which consists of several colleagues. The trainer must have the ability and personality to appeal to the members of the small group with a strong will.
Before starting DNPS activities, the trainer understands the DNPS and develops skills required to lead the activity to success with members. After that, through actual activities, the trainer works with all the members toward the desired state.
Growth of Individuals

With the challenge defined, all the members amalgamate their wisdom and work hard while repeating improvements to realize the desired state. In this way, individuals grow. By doing so, the members of the worksite will be highly motivated to become independent and make improvements, and the result is that they attain the ability to persevere.
Pursuit of Value

The basic philosophy of DNPS activities is to "pursue thorough value formation with full participation and respect for people." “Value” in this context refers to the state free of overburden, unevenness, or waste in all movements of people, goods, and equipment. And the state in which values are accumulated is called value formation.
Optimal Operation Evaluation

To increase value, it is necessary for all employees to cultivate their ability to make improvements while enhancing the abilities of the production staff. To that end, we must make visible and eliminate overburden, unevenness, and waste in Monozukuri. The indicator used to evaluate this overburden7 is optimal operation evaluation. It is a criterion that enables everyone to evaluate the optimality of an operation under the same conditions. More specifically, in Monozukuri, weights and human movements are evaluated on a 5-point scale. Operations with a low rating should be improved to reduce their burden. Through these improvement activities, we improve the value of Monozukuri and cultivate the ability of members to make improvements.
7. Overburden: Refers to an operation beyond one's ability
Karakuri (Mechanical Devices)
Karakuri is one of the means to increase the value of products and solve problems. Without the use of electricity or power, it is an improvement method that does not require professional qualifications, and anyone can use it to improve the production site. Improvements can be made using the principle of leverage, pulleys, inclinations, rotations, spiral springs, and so on. Since it is an improvement method that uses a combination of simple mechanisms, it can be used to make improvements through a sense that everyone has, of inspiration and ideas.
Self-Initiated Maintenance

To pursue the ultimate value formation in DNPS activities, it is necessary to improve the value of equipment (instruments and tools). For that purpose, self-initiated maintenance is essential. In DNPS activities, self-initiated maintenance should be strongly promoted to realize value formation of equipment. To increase the value of Monozukuri, thorough pursuit of value should be furthered in equipment and tools. For that reason, we need production equipment that can produce the required amount at the required time with the highest quality. Conduct self-initiated maintenance. Prepare equipment that would be free of downtime and failure. Eliminate overburden, unevenness, and waste in equipment. By doing so, we continuously provide valuable products desired by customers.