Basic Philosophy
Based on our Safety Philosophy, we have established six safety policies and promote safety and health activities. In addition to creating a work environment where employees can work safely and securely, we are also actively working on health and productivity management by hiring dedicated industrial physicians and health nurses, taking the occasion of the functional integration of the Headquarters and the Honsha Plant. Moreover, with deep regret that we, including our affiliates, caused two fires, we have thoroughly reviewed our equipment and work procedures to prevent fires. We also conduct fire patrols and provide training on the use of fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, and special fire extinguishing equipment for painting plants.
Safety Philosophy
Employees’ health and safety form the foundation of our business activities and deserve top priority. We will build a company with zero risk and harm factors where employees can work energetically with peace of mind based on respect for people.
Basic Safety and Health Policy
- Safety activities with full participation
- Thorough elimination of risk factors
- Building a Safe Mechanism
- Elimination of traffic accidents
- Hygiene management and health promotion
- Thorough fire prevention management
Promotion Framework
We hold monthly Safety and Health Committee meetings, in which labor and management participate at each manufacturing site, to check the progress of activities pursued in line with the Safety and Health Policy and listen to and deliberate on the opinions of workers. We also hold monthly meetings of the Company-Wide Safety and Health Committee chaired by the Director in charge of safety and health, who is the superintendent, to share information on the activities pursued at each manufacturing site.

Safety Activities with Full Participation
Since fiscal 2021, we have been promoting the “Safety, Health, and Growth Activity” toward zero work-related accidents. The activity is intended to accelerate the growth of each employee, by evaluating and improving five subjects—safety, hygiene, health, traffic, and fire prevention—at individual to division levels. By comprehensively and quantitatively evaluating safety and health-related subjects, we are able to visualize the results of and issues involved in our yearly activities. Thus the activity enables us to make improvements in our level.
Four-Stage Evaluation Steps

Activity Examples
Conducting safety and risk assessment

We conduct risk assessments (equipment, operations and chemical substances) to improve workplace safety. To eliminate risk factors that are barriers to workplace safety and security, we promote activities in which managers and supervisors play a leading role while listening to workers. We assess risks involved in not only existing work but also in the installation of new equipment and modified work procedures. By doing so, we identify potential hazards and implement reliable measures to prevent accidents.
Work-Related Accident Elimination Campaign
We provide training for new employees and for staff transferred from another workplace to teach them about matters stipulated in the Industrial Safety and Health Act and about company and workplace rules. Other emphasized employee training programs include brief lessons given during workplace morning meetings. The safety patrol is intended to raise the level of safety activities by means such as each workplace selecting a monthly topic and identifying dangerous elements, as well as the entire organization sharing the issues pointed out.
Traffic Accident Elimination Campaign
Regular guidance on traffic rules and manners is provided once a month to raise awareness of traffic safety among commuters and local residents. In addition, under the slogan of “warm communication” at each workplace, managers, supervisors and other colleagues call to employees returning home to take care of themselves, promoting an environment in which they can go home with a smile. We help eliminate traffic accidents by selecting our own unique objectives, such as requesting employees to change to winter tires and actively participating in national campaigns.
Interview with the Industrial Physician
The Health Consultation Office provides support for those who are not feeling well. It also offers services such as interviews, by an industrial physician, with overworked workers, those before overseas travel, and those having returned to work, as well as mental health consultations and health guidance. The staff at the Health Consultation Office strive to create an environment where employees can work safely and securely by carefully listening to the mental and physical conditions of interviewees and coordinating the workplace and work when necessary.
Mental Health
We conduct a stress check for all employees once a year. High-stress employees are encouraged to have an interview with an industrial physician, a health nurse, or an outside clinical psychologist, in an effort to detect their health problems early and prevent any escalation. In addition, to create a comfortable workplace, we also analyze the results by organization, hold briefings and interviews with outside psychological staff on the analysis results by site and organization, extract individual issues, and work to make improvements.