Disclosure policy

1. Standards for information disclosure

We disclose information promptly based on the principles of transparency, fairness, and continuity, in accordance with relevant laws and ordinances, such as the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and the rules of “Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information, etc.” (hereinafter referred to as the “Timely Disclosure Rules”) of the Securities Listing Regulations set forth by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

We also endeavor to disclose any information that seems effective in understanding of our company even if the disclosure is not required by relevant laws/ordinances or the Timely Disclosure Rules.

Incidentally, we will not disclose personal information, customer information, and any other information that may infringe the rights of relevant parties.

2. Standards for disclosure of the method of information disclosure

Disclosure of information specified by the Timely Disclosure Rules is carried out using the timely disclosure information dissemination system offered by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TDnet) in accordance with the Rules. After disclosure with the TDnet, we also post the information promptly on our corporate website.

We also endeavor to disclose any information that seems effective in understanding of our company even if the disclosure of such information is not required by the Timely Disclosure Rules.

3. Quiet period

From the perspective of preventing leakage of financial results information (including quarterly results information) and ensuring fairness in information disclosure, we set the period from the day following the end of each (quarterly) account settlement period (June, September, December and March) to the date of announcement of the settlement results as a quiet period. During this period, we refrain from responding to or commenting on questions about our settlement results and forecasts. However, in the event that a significant change to the results forecasts becomes likely during this period, we will disclose information as necessary in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules.